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Markus Habermehl

After my education at a private school in Switzerland, where financial intelligence was taught, I found the necessary and above all the right know-how to follow my mission.

I want my clients to change the way they think about money.
My main mission was and is to reach out to people looking for basic financial education.

In the meantime, I am one of the most successful podcast - technology coaches and positioning experts in the German-speaking world.

With my regular financial podcast shows and interviewees from various business and financial fields, I bring you and others how you/they can find your path to financial freedom.

Adapted to your own wishes and goals, I go together with you sometimes unusual ways, suggest the most abstract investment alternatives, find especially the solution possibilities that you have certainly not yet thought of. I also have my own head and the way I would like to give you with the solution approaches:

Most people recognize problems, define them and wait to be offered a solution. I do things differently. When I recognize a problem, the search for a solution already begins.

This attitude has already proven itself! And now I'll also show you how you can use it to pursue your own personal success.

Armor Crackers Podcast
Markus Habermehl
Field road 2
8892 Berschis
