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Oliver Beyer

Oliver Beyer has been developing people and organizations for almost 30 years. With this experience, distinctive empathy and his persistent determination, he develops leadership culture in companies.
and team cooperation to strengthen collaboration and celebrate successes without shifting responsibility. Even in his school days, he understood how to guide fellow students to successful graduations on the basis of trusting relationships. His genuine interest in people and his unconditional solution orientation have made him a sought-after service provider and successful leader. His strengths - empathy and development - paired
with the experience of 20 years of human resources work and 10 years as an executive in companies, he brings as a trainer, consultant and coach and dedicates himself exclusively to the further development of people and organizations. Due to his ability to build trusting relationships, he quickly achieves an open working atmosphere and promptly leads his clients and participants into sustainable change processes and tangible feelings of success.

Oliver Beyer
Tel.: +49 1525 3500053
